或許有許多人不知道在上月前(2008年8月),若任意使用"Bach Flower Remedies"或"Bach"英文字樣,可能會觸犯所謂的商標法!
相信有接觸過巴赫花精的朋友都知道,巴赫醫師在1930年代發明花精系統原本的本意是:「希望每個人可以用最簡單的方式來接觸及使用花精來改善自己的身心狀態」,但在1987年代不知何種原因,巴哈中心 (Bach Centre) 將巴赫花精賣給一家國際知名製藥公司Nelsons公司,委由他們進行後端的製造與銷售,而巴哈中心只負責母盯劑的製作,在商業利益的考量下Nelsons公司將"Bach Flower Remedies"或"Bach"英文字樣進行商標註冊,此後他們所製造的花精才能夠稱為"Bach Flower Remedies",其他依巴赫醫師所製造的製造商卻不能使用這個專有名詞。
而 HealingHerbs 則首當其衝,因此創辦人 Julian 與 Nelsons 公司兩分就此打了近二十年的官司,終於在上月歐盟商業商標局(the European Community Office for the registration of Community Trade Marks)認定Nelsons公司所註冊為專利的"Bach"以及 "Bach Flower Remedies"商標是無效的。
==== 以下是Julian來信告知此訊息 (中譯) ====
親愛的朋友們: 我很高興能夠把歐洲商標註冊處對於由Nelsons (Bach Flower Remedies Ltd).所註冊擁有的註冊商標所做出的判決,這個消息帶給你們。大家都知道我花了近二十年的時間在反對他們所設立的專利商標。
但是,我們再一次的成功了!! (原諒我這麼大聲的呼喊,但這似乎是大叫的絕佳時機!!)
如果沒有你們的幫忙與合作是不可能辦到的。所以,再一次謝謝你們大家的支持。 你可以讀一讀pdf附檔的判決書-如果你們有網站的話,請把它特別的公告出來。終於是我們很確定的做聲名的時候了:'Bach'指的是巴赫醫師,而'Bach Flower Remedies'指的是那些巴赫醫師所發現的花朵療方而不是特指由一個製造商所製造的產品。 很高興這個問題可以說是終於定案了。
致上我的祝福 朱力安 巴納德
==== 以下是 Healingherbs 的聲明稿 (中英譯) ====
Community Trade Mark Office finds Nelson's ‘Bach’ and ‘Bach Flower Remedies’ Registrations INVALID 專利商標局認定Nelson公司所註冊為專利的 ‘Bach’以及 ‘Bach Flower Remedies’ 商標,是無效的。
We are very pleased to announce that on 11 September 2008, the OHIM (the European Community Office for the registration of Community Trade Marks) decided that the words ‘Bach’ and ‘Bach Flower Remedies’ are generic, that Nelson's Community Trade Marks were invalid and awarded costs in our favour (Euro 1,150). 我們很高興在此宣佈:2008.9.11 OHIM(歐盟商標註冊局)判決以下字樣 ‘Bach’ 以及 ‘Bach Flower Remedies’ 非屬專利商標, Nelson's 的專利註冊商標為無效的, 並需負擔我們訴訟費用(1,150歐元)。
In 2000, Healing Herbs won the last round of appeal, in the House of Lords, confirming the decision at trial and in the Court of Appeal: that the UK trade mark registrations Nelsons/Bach Flower Remedies Ltd had obtained for BACH/BACH FLOWER REMEDIES were invalid because they were descriptive or generic terms. 2000年, Healing Herbs公司在最後的上訴中獲勝,最高法院認定上訴庭中的判決如下:Nelsons/Bach Flower Remedies Ltd公司在英國所擁有之註冊商標- BACH/BACH FLOWER REMEDIES-是無效的,因為它們是具描述性或通稱(非商標性)的用詞。
Nevertheless, Nelsons/Bach Flower Remedies Ltd thought they knew better. To circumvent the UK Courts' decisions in 2003 they applied for and obtained Community trade mark registrations for the very same words. 然而,Nelsons/Bach Flower Remedies Ltd公司認為他們自己最了解。為了規避英國法院在2003年的判決,他們再次以相同的字詞申請並獲得專利商標登記。
Healing Herbs Ltd could not oppose their applications then since we had no similar trade marks ourselves. Healing Herbs Ltd公司無法反對他們的申請案,因為截至當時我們本身並未有類似的商標。
Of course, position has always been clear – we say that the words are generic and no-one can claim exclusive rights over them. 當然,Healing Herbs'的立場一直都是相當清楚的-我們說那些字詞是通用語而且沒有任何人可以宣稱對它們擁有絕對的專利權。
What Healing Herbs could do, immediately ‘Bach’ and ‘Bach Flower Remedies’ were registered as Community Trade Marks was to apply to have these registrations cancelled. This we did. 而Healing Herbs所能做的是,立即申請取消‘Bach’ 以及 ‘Bach Flower Remedies’ 等字詞的專利商標登記。我們的確這麼做了。
The OHIM, in a very clear decision, has now made a number of telling findings, including: 現在歐盟商標註冊局,在一份非常清楚的判決中,提出了一系列的調查結果,包括: § Healing Herbs had filed "abundant evidence" to show the terms were generic Healing Herbs己提供「非常豐富的證具」以顯示這些字詞為一般的通用詞語(非專利) § Both the specialised public and the general public considers the terms descriptive and generic 專業領域與一般大眾兩者,都認為這些字詞是描述性及通稱的同語 § failed to prove that the terms had acquired distinctive character when they filed their applications Nelsons/BFRL公司在他們提出申請時,無法證明這些字詞是特定用語 § Showing large sales and advertising expenditure was not good enough 只有陳示大量的銷售額及廣告支出是不夠的
Had Nelsons/BFRL managed to maintain their invalid registrations, undoubtedly they would have used them against the many people across the European Union, who use the terms Bach and Bach Flower Remedies to describe their own or other people's flower remedies made in accordance with the original directions of the late Dr Edward Bach, by threatening them, again, with legal proceedings. 如果Nelsons/BFRL公司企圖保有他們無效的註冊登記,他們無疑是與許多歐盟組織內的人民所使用的方式相違背,並且是再次的,以法律訴訟威脅他們,因為這些人使用Bach 和Bach Flower Remedies這樣的字詞,是用來描述他們自己或其他的人依照去世的巴赫醫師其原來的指示所製做的花的療方。
We are very pleased that our proceedings have been successful; justice has again been done. 我們感到非常的高興,我們的訴訟終於成功了;正義再次被彰顯。
[Nelsons/BFRL have two months in which to file an appeal. In view of the very clear decision, to do so would be extremely perverse.] [Nelson/BFRL公司有兩個月的時間可以提出上訴。如果在這麼明確的判決下還要這麼做,實在是極為反常的事。]
巴赫醫師曾說: "… 唯有試圖控制他人的人才是最自私的…",又說: "…若想得到自由, 必須先給別人自由…"。就所知去年在國內(台灣),已有貿易商發函通知表示他們已註冊「巴哈」、「巴哈花精」、「Dr. Edward Bach」、「愛德華巴哈」、「Healingherbs」等為註冊商標,其他單位不得再使用這些字眼作商業行為。反過來看證明了有心人士若意圖將這些列為自己的智慧財產而註冊,最後我們仍可看見正義與公理。
Love, IFEC 國際花精研究推廣中心
[ 此 判決書 全文資料來自The Bach Flower Research Programme ]